- Since 1964 ...
- Back to Whitton Week: Tracking Tom Keneally's Career
- Colonialism, Racial Violence and Loss: *The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith* and *The Roving Party*
- From the Harp of Erin to Erin of the Harp with Thomas Keneally
- The Making of Thomas Keneally
- In Custody: Thomas Keneally and American Stories
- Interview with Thomas Keneally, Manly, 27 June 2012
Volume 30 No. 1
Selected and revised essays from a seminar held in September 2014 at the University of Wollongong celebrating fifty years of Thomas Keneally as a novelist.
Edited by Paul Sharrad.
30 May 2015
- ‘Are You for Magic?’ Patrick White and Camp
- Reading Groups and Reconciliation: Kate Grenville’s The Secret River and the Ordinary Reader
- William Howitt, Australia and the ‘Green Language’
- Gardens of Empire, Eden and Passion in Charlotte Wood’s The Submerged Cathedral
- The Writing and Publishing of Australia’s First Gay Novel
- Woods, Memories and Dreams: David Martin
- Marcus Clarke, Gerard Manley Hopkins and Cyril Hopkins
- Review of *Antipodean America: Australasia and the Constitution of US Literature*, by Paul Giles
- Review of *Tim Winton: Critical Essays*, edited by Lyn McCredden and Nathanael O'Reilly
Volume 29 No. 4
1 November 2014
- Listening between the Lines: Introduction: Exploring Interdisciplinarity between Music and Literature
- R. Strauss, Opus 67, 1-3, Drei Lieder der Ophelia: Ophelia Set adrift in the Cross-Currents of Interdisciplinary Culture
- Adaptation Studies, Convention, Vocal Production and Embodied Meaning in Verdi’s Macbeth: Rehabilitating the Brindisi, or, Lady Macbeth Unsexes Herself
- Relinquishing Poetic Form as a Means of Musical Redemption in Gabriel Fauré’s *La Chanson d’Éve*
- Poetic Soundings: Aesthetic Correlation in the Work of T.S. Eliot and Igor Stravinsky
- Anne Sexton, Singer: ‘Her Kind’ and the Musical Impetus in Lyric Confessional Verse
- Waking up the Colours: Memory and Allegory in Iranian Hip Hop and Ambient Music
- Intention and (In)determinacy: John Cage’s ‘Empty Words’ and the Ambiguity of Performance
- Composing *Rayuela*: The Musical Element in Julio Corrazar’s Narrative
- Review of *J. M. Coetzee and the Limits of Cosmopolitanism*, by Katherine Hallemeier
- Review of *Christian Mysticism and Australian Poetry*, by Toby Davidson
- Review of *Entangled Subjects: Indigenous/Australian Cross-Cultures of Talk, Text, and Modernity*, by Michele Grossman
Volume 29 No. 1-2
This double issue of Australian Literary Studies originated with papers from the ‘Listening between the Lines: Exploring the Relationship(s) between Music and Literature’ symposium convened by Christian Griffiths at Monash University in June 2014 on behalf of the Monash University…
1 May 2014
- Richard Rorty’s Pragmatic Rehabilitation of Literary Criticism as a ‘Kind of Writing’
- Poetry, Activism and Cultural Capital
- ‘His Grief Is the Plague’ Poetry of Loss and the Risk of Losing One’s Readers
- Kenneth Leslie Goodwin
- Ideas about the Thing, Not the Thing Itself: Impact and Other Abstractions and the Politics of Research Performance Measurement
- Displaced Selves in Contemporary Fiction, or the Art of Literary Activism
- The Impact of Literature
- Indigenous Literature and the Extractive Industries
- Words, Sticks and Stones: Keneally, Literature and Social Impact
- Review of *An Unsentimental Bloke: The Life and Works of C.J. Dennis*, by Philip Butterss
- Review of *Scenes of Reading: Is Australian Literature a WorldLiterature?* ed. Robert Dixon and Brigid Rooney
Volume 28 No. 4
1 November 2013
- Cloud-Borne Angels, Prophets and the Old Woman’s Flower-Pot: Reading George Eliot’s Realism alongside Spinoza’s ‘beings of the imagination’
- ‘Tarrying with the Impossible’: *Daniel Stein, Interpreter* and the Politics of Translation
- Conceptual Poetry, Nonconceptual Poetry, Postconceptual Poetry
- Review of *Telling Stories: Australian Life and Literature, edited by Tanya Dalziell and Paul Genoni.
- Review of *The Experimental Fiction of Murray Bail* by Michael Ackland
- Strange Kinships: Embodiment and Belief in J.M. Coetzee’s *Elizabeth Costello*
- Review of *The Postcolonial Eye: White Australian Desire and the Visual Field of Race*, by Alison Ravenscroft
- Historical Patterns in the *Multiple Effects of Rainshadow* and *The Tall Man*
- Self-Propagation and Self-Dissolution: The Paradox of Patrick White’s *Flaws in the Glass*
- Ladies and Gentlemen? Language, Body and Identity in *The Aunt’s Story* and *The Twyborn Affair*
Volume 28 No. 3
1 October 2013
- English Studies in Australia: Repositioning the Subject
- English Studies: A Personal Journey
- Disciplined Action? The Challenges of English at Canterbury and Beyond
- Once We Were a Discipline: Stray Thoughts on English
- The Politics of English Studies in India
- Where Literary Studies Is, and What It Does
- The ‘Hollowness’ of English? A Case for Narratology
- Delight and Revolution: Literary Studies, Aesthetics and Ideology
- English Studies at the University of New England: A Report from the Field.
- Afterword: The Story of a Bookmark
- Blue Corner and Red Corner, Metropolis and Province: Literature and Education in Contemporary Australia
- Walk on the Wild Side : Literature in the Time of Choleric
- Reading English
- Editing ALS: A Memoir
Volume 28 No. 1-2
1 May 2013
- Review of *Reading by Numbers: Recalibrating the Literary Field*, by Katherine Bode
- Review of *Shirley Hazzard: Literary Expatriate and Cosmopolitan Humanist*, by Brigitta Olubas
- Review of *The Burning Library: Our Great Novelists Lost and Found*, by Geordie Williamson
- Review of *Republics of Letters: Literary Communities in Australia*, edited by Peter Kirkpatrick and Robert Dixon
- Review of *Larrikins: A History*, by Melissa Bellanta
- Review of *The Novels of Alex Miller: An Introduction*, edited by Robert Dixon
- Tribute
- A Note on A.C.’s *Echoes* and Ada Cambridge
- Beatrice Davis and ‘The Sacredness of the Printed Word’
- In the Club: Australian Crime Fiction in the USA 1943-1954
- ‘Tribute’: An Unknown Poem by Mary Gilmore
- Mary Fortune as Sylphid: ‘blond, and silk, and tulle’
- ‘Our Literary Connexion’: Rosa Praed and George Bentley
- Books as Gifts: The Meaning and Function of a Personal Library
- Reading in Public: Irene Longman and Citizenship
- The Creation of Rachel Henning: Personal Correspondence to Publishing Phenomenon
- Sex and the City: New Novels by Women and Middlebrow Culture at Mid-Century
- Rediscoverd Lawson Sketch of 1863 ‘Selection Farms’
Volume 27 No. 3-4
1 October 2012
- Salt Scars: John Kinsella’s Wheatbelt
- Bodies that Speak: Mediating Female Embodiment in Tim Winton’s Fiction
- Australian Gothic: Theatre and the Northern Turn
- On the Genealogy of Democracy: Reading Peter Carey’s *Parrot and Olivier in America*
- Alien Intoxications: The Aggressions of a Brisbane Opium Smoker
- Review of *The Empire Actors: Stars of Australasian Costume Drama 1890s-1920s*, by Veronica Kelly
- Review of *The Censor's Library: Uncovering the Lost History of Australia's Banned Books*, by Nicole Moore
- Is Australia (still) Postcolonial (yet)? Review of *Postcolonial Issues in Australian Literature*, edited by Nathanael O'Reilly
- Review of *The Sons of Clovis: Ern Malley, Adoré Floupette and a Secret History of Australian Poetry*, by David Brooks
- Patrick White, Saul Bellow and the Problem of Literary Value
Volume 27 No. 2
1 June 2012
- Local Moderns: The Jindyworobak Movement and Australian Modernism
- The Anglo-Australian: Between Colony and Metropolis in Rosa Praed’s ‘*The Right Honourable*’ and *Policy and Passion*
- ‘How to encourage our literature’: Australian Fiction in the Australian Public Library
- A Dream-Temple of Collective Imagination : Exploring Community in Carmel Bird’s *Cape Grimm*
- Review of *Ours As We Play It: Australia Plays Shakespeare*, by Kate Flaherty
- ‘Alone and in close company’: Reading and Companionship in Brenda Walker’s *Reading by Moonlight*
- ‘Did He Want to Mix and Mate with this Man?’: Mateship, Modernism and Homoerotic Primitivism
Volume 27 No. 1
1 May 2012