Maang: Bagaan Di (a Message for My Elder Sister)


I was a young, impressionable Aboriginal Australian when I first saw her; she was stating her view on television, cleverly honing her point with flashing white teeth which contrasted against her dark skin. What a wit! It was May 1964, the era of black and white television: The Beatles, Twiggy, a mini-skirted "Shrimp", assassinations, Viet Nam and a new generation of Aboriginal Australians who voiced their concerns with such articulate ferocity they forced the world to listen. "Kath Walker — Activist" the superimposed caption read at the bottom of the frame of the television screen; and her teeth flashed and her cutting wit entered our living rooms. She said her first book We Are Going allowed white "ostriches" to see the Aboriginal point of view.

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Published 1 November 1994 in Oodgeroo: a tribute. Subjects: Aboriginal dispossession, Aboriginal women writers, Literary influences, Social injustice.

Cite as: McLaren, Philip. ‘Maang: Bagaan Di (a Message for My Elder Sister).’ Australian Literary Studies, vol. 16, no. 4, 1994, doi: 10.20314/als.8adc083dee.