Displaced Selves in Contemporary Fiction, or the Art of Literary Activism


Tony Simoes da Silva writes: ‘I explore how at times well-intentioned work is undermined by the very knowledge it seeks to create, and by the vocabulary in which it aims to do so. I have in mind in this instance a recent anthology edited by well-known Australian authors Thomas Keneally and Rosie Scott, *A Country Too Far* (2013). As I aim to show in a discussion of selected texts, the book is a significant example of the ways in which a desire to have an impact and the best of intentions do not always have the intended outcome’ (66).

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Published 1 November 2013 in Volume 28 No. 4. Subjects: Australian literature and writers, Refugees & displaced persons.

Cite as: Simoes Da Silva, Tony. ‘Displaced Selves in Contemporary Fiction, or the Art of Literary Activism.’ Australian Literary Studies, vol. 28, no. 4, 2013, doi: 10.20314/als.63b6986ff9.