In Quest of a Quaker: A Note on Henry Savery’s Nom de Plume


The convict-author Henry Savery (1791-1842) is known as the writer of the first Australian novel, Qtiintus Servinton (1830-1). He was, in addition, our first essayist. While he was imprisoned in 1829 he wrote the sketches of life and characters in Hobart and the countryside that comprise The Hermit in Van Diemen's Land. Thirty in all, they appeared in Andrew Bent's Colonial Times from 5 June to 25 December under the pen-name of 'Simon Stukeley'. They were gathered together and published as a volume in 1830.

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Published 1 June 1963 in Volume 1 No. 1. Subjects: Pseudonyms.

Cite as: Hadgraft, Cecil. ‘In Quest of a Quaker: A Note on Henry Savery’s Nom de Plume.’ Australian Literary Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 1963, doi: 10.20314/als.4c166160e1.