Terms of use

Australian Literary Studies (ALS) is an independent publisher of literary scholarship. The ALS archive consists of essays published from the first issue of the journal, (Vol.1, Issue 1, 1963), through to the current date. A selection of new essays will be available open access in html form only for a period of four to six weeks before becoming part of the ALS archive.

Access to the archive is restricted to subscribers and to authorised users. A subscription to ALS entitles the institution or subscriber access to the ALS archive for one year from the date of purchase; it does not grant perpetual access to the archive. ALS does, however, allow subscribers perpetual access any material published during the term of the subscription. Subscribers may archive and maintain a local copy of all issues published in the year of the subscription for perpetual access.

ALS is registered with SERU. In the absence of a separate license agreement, ALS and subscribing institutions can agree to follow the SERU guidelines, as published at the NISO SERU website.

If no SERU agreement is made, by subscribing to ALS users agree to abide by the following terms and conditions of use.

Authorised users are individuals who are affiliated with an institution with a current subscription to ALS and access the website via an IP address that the subscribing institution has registered with ALS.

Users may not:

  • Use or authorise the use of ALS material for commercial purposes or gains;
  • Undertake any activity such as the use of computer programs that automatically download or export content;
  • Undertake coordinated or systematic activity that involves downloading and/or distributing a significant portion of the content;
  • Systematically print out or download content to stock or replace print holdings;
  • Reproduce or distribute content in bulk;
  • Republish material except by the agreement of author and editor.